Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Importent CocoaPods comand

- CocoaPods is a dependency management tool for iOS and OS X development. It makes managing third party libraries in an Xcode project easy and straightforward.
- CocoaPods runs on Ruby.
- All recent versions of Mac OS X (since OS X 10.7 Lion) ship with Ruby already installed.
To update RubyGems
Command : sudo gem update --system
To install CocoaPods
Command : sudo gem install cocoapods
To complete the setup of CocoaPods
Command : pod setup
To List all library
Command : pod list
 To search a pod
Command : pod search af
To remove all gem
Command : gem cleanup --dryrun
        gem cleanup
To remove all pods
Command : pod repo remove master
To list of all versions of pods
Command : gem list --local | grep cocoapods
To remove all versions of pods
Command : sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-core
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-downloader

Happy Coding!!!

#Xcode8 #iOS #Apple #Coding #iPhone
© 2016 Girijesh
In case if any query/Concern send me a email @girijeshkumar2007@gmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For MacOs 10.12 (Sierra)
sudo gem update --system -n/usr/local/bin
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods